Understanding Insurance in Singapore lingo is really a chore for many, let alone trying to discover what are the suitable plans for individuals and companies. Your Insurance Guy Singapore wants to address that concern and to highlight the pros and the cons of some of the insurance policies in Singapore, in particular General Insurance and Medical Plans for companies and individuals.
Before becoming an independent financial adviser in late 2007, your insurance guy, as he is affectionately known in the industry; served as an insurance agent in a Multinational insurance company, where he provided financial advice to many of his corporate clients, ranging from the F&B to the construction industries. In his course of work as an insurance agent, he earned himself several accolades namely:
- Top agent in life cases in agency from 1994-1999
- Qualifier of 50 lives club 1993-1999
- Qualifier of company’s overseas conventions from 1995-1998
- Winner of Chairman’s cup in 1998
- Winner of Personal Accident jacket (88 cases in 2 months)
- Top Group Insurance (Employee Benefits) Consultant for In-Force Business 2012-2019
- Top Group Insurance (Employee Benefits) Consultant for NEW Business 2013-2019

He went on to get his professional Diploma in Life Insurance during his service as a life insurance agent. However in 2002, due to personal reasons to accept a new challenge, he left the life insurance industry.
With his passion for the insurance trade still burning in him, your insurance guy continued to run a General Insurance agency so as to continue to keep in touch with his clienteles and provided his independent advice on company insurance related matters, as well as servicing them in most of their personal and company’s non-life insurances.
In 2002, your insurance guy started a brick and mortar business from scratch, but upon numerous encouragement from ex-colleagues from his former trade, he decided to go back full time into the insurance industry and took a back seat in his entrepreneur start up. Though he is no longer running his startup business, your insurance guy is not resting on his laurels, as he is one person who believes that selecting an insurance intermediary for one’s company or small business is about getting an insurance guy who can share the knowledge & experience with their clients, as he understands that there are many entrepreneur wannabes out there who only focuses on the bottomline of their businesses but never the contingency like protecting their assets with insurance.
So in 2022, your insurance guy began to collaborate and partnered with another experienced General Insurance Agency and now with the stronger support, they are moving into new markets.
Some of the financial services and products the combined company currently markets are:
- Hull Insurance
- Travel Insurance
- Motor & Home Insurance
- Employee Benefits/Company Group Insurance
- Hospital & Surgical (Integrated Shield Plans)
- Outpatient Insurance
- Marine Cargo Insurance
- Office Insurance
- D&O Insurance
- Liability Insurance
- Work Injury Compensation (WICA)
- Foreign Worker Medical Insurance (FWMI)
Some of the insurance companies which they can represent are:

If you have any queries on the above or on products not listed, feel free to contact your insurance guy and they will gladly reply you no later than 2 working days.
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